Social network site such as Facebook has a huge traffic that has a daily activity of trying out the new applications that are published on Facebook. Most of these applications do require the user to enable publishing in order to receive notices and offers that application would have to offer. Enabling the publishing option is the first step in which a user allows a specific application to enter and review the person’s profile, doing so the company is also profiling the user as well as keeping them notified with changes in their app.
We are mostly fascinated by most quizzes that are published on such social network sites. Facebook is such a social network site that has been noted to have the largest number of visits and hits no it. Every user is eager enough to try out the quizzes and numerous other applications. These quizzes do appear to be a fun activity that lightens up the mood and something to share with your friends but the risks involved in letting the application publish on your wall are hidden from the user.
Hackers are normally attracted to such social network site which would have the largest number of traffic on it such as those who offer good deals like offering HTC or Black berry Torch on cheap rates. Hacking someone’s account would be easy enough since one of the users would click on a malware infested link supplied and in doing so would become a source while infecting other people on his/her list. Many companies have taken this into their account and are implementing counter measures in securing their social network websites from such attacks.
The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.
ReplyDeleteThe importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.
ReplyDeleteThe importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.