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Sunday, 25 September 2011

Get your iPhone Whale Now

Chat features in iPhone work their wonders on the people and with a bit of creativity you can get your art fury applied on almost anything. Art has no boundaries and while interacting with the chat feature in iPhone messengers we do notice that the messages are sent in form of chat bubbles which are quite fascinating to look at.

Chat Bubbles And Creativity:

The chat bubbles sent between people can be utilized to get your creativity on it. It is noted on some social network sites that people are able to form cartoon representations of almost anything with word art. One such user of iPhone was able to send a chat message to a friend that represented a whale; this was done through the brilliant use of space and using symbols to represent eyes and mouth. At first this was just between them before a screen shot of it was uploaded online.

iPhone Whale On Social Network Sites:

Then this feed was noticed on Facebook, one of the widely used online social network site. Likes on it quickly started to swarm up to millions as people around the world found this interesting to notice, someone adding a difference with just a normal chat feature, creative works through iPhone. This was then named as iPhone whale and just a jungle fire spreads, this image quickly got around on other social network sites as well.

How To Get Your Very Own iPhone Whale:

Anyone can easily make this representation of iPhone whale by applying the needed space and then adding dots for eyes and underline in between the dots representing its mouth. You can also add in other symbols to represent different set of emotions for the whale. The at the rate sign “@” can also be added to give the whale a confused look. Similarly some other symbols can be used to add a look of your liking.     


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